
Hungarian Jancsi Cake

I’ve been on a cooking kick. I’ve digitized most of my recipes, except for some that are in actual recipe books that I own. I found walnuts at Costco. And I was reminded of one of the first cakes that made me interested in baking: the Hungarian Jancsi cake. It’s a cake with only 5 …

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Being an Expat Parent in Taipei

I would say that Taipei is an international city, especially if you already speak Mandarin (which I do). And even though I have lived in several countries other than the US, they were when I was a child or when I was a student. It’s a completely different ball game with children. The first question …

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Last week of Staycation

My old team got turned down and it has taken/is taking me a while to find a new team. So I took the 3 week long staycation to reset. I haven’t really taken a vacation in a year, like many people, and was hoping to explore Taipei with S now that the kids are finally …

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